"I have taken a lot of accounting classes, but have never experienced an environment that was this fun, thorough, and fully focused."
Operations Manager, Advanced Energy
"Practical, right-brain approach"
SPS Division Leadership Team, Motorola
"I learned more here in two days than in two semesters of accounting in college. I think this class made it clear to all personnel how we affect the bottom line."
Operations Manager, Advanced Energy
"I liked the class exactly as it was presented. I gained a complete understanding of things I've never seen before. The instructor is the best I've ever had. She was fun as well as knowledgeable. If only more classes were on this standard."
Sr. Engineer Assistant, StorageTek
"The Financial CHALLENGES will pay off big-time! The class helps non-finance folks with terminology, thinking about numbers, etc."
SPS Division Leadership Team, Motorola
“I have taken many classes in the course of 14 years here at StorageTek. This class was the most fun and the most educational class I have been to in that length of time. The teacher was energetic and FUN and the subject was very interesting for both my personal and professional life. I highly recommend this class to everyone!”
Operations Manager, StorageTek
"A must-have for any organization. Very empowering!!! It gave everyone a clearer understanding of what was best for Advanced Energy. It simplified a complicated subject and has motivated me to analyze AE more frequently. In a downturn, it has really improved my focus."
Product Marketing Specialist, Advanced Energy
"The material was excellent and the props were the best feature of the class - they made it interesting and fun. Concepts were demonstrated well and in a straight forward way."
SPS Division Leadership Team, Motorola
" This was one of the best classes I have taken! Mainly because of the instructor's knowledge of STK and also the info covered was something I could relate to--not a fictitious company. I have used figures off the financial statements for years and never questioned how they arrived at the figures; now I know! Thanks"
Sr. Tax Analyst, StorageTek
"I think the balance of this course was great. Learning the accounting fundamentals was important; then applying it to the Motorola annual reports was very useful. Finally concluding with the cost reduction efforts was perfect."
SPS Division Leadership Team, Motorola
"The class was captivating-the materials were presented in a dynamic format which encourages me to consider further business and accounting classes."
Test Technician, Advanced Energy
"For the first time I will review Motorola's Balance Sheet because before I really didn't understand it. I will pay a lot more attention to my actions and job as how it affects the Bottom Line. Cost improvements and expense reductions affect everyone, but everyone can help also."
SPS Division Leadership Team, Motorola
"This helped me understand the effect of my decisions (dollar-wise) in everyday functions."
Logistics Analyst, Advanced Energy
"I love how I am better at reading the company's financial statements!"
Account Associate, StorageTek
"The class was interactive and memorable. It was a good refresher of what was covered in my MBA program."
SPS Division Leadership Team, Motorola
"I appreciated the use of real data and explanation of corporate data! Great course for introduction to finance in easy to understand terms! Fun materials! I liked the finance game! The instructor was good at getting the entire class to participate."
Manager, StorageTek
"The class was a pretty fair division leadership team-building event. The consistent, coherent explanations of the balance sheets, income statements and cash flow statements were most valuable."
SPS Division Leadership Team, Motorola
“This is definitely the best course I’ve taken at StorageTek, and I’ve been here 10 years. The information was excellent, practical, and 100% free of fluff!”
Engineering Manager, StorageTek
“Great class - de-mystifies annual reports, plus! “
Procurement Specialist, Shell Oil
"A good review of the basics plus triggered thoughts on what I could do differently to improve the bottom line for the division. I will consider more different options as well as how one decision may impact other teams and the bottom line."
SPS Division Leadership Team, Motorola
"It was helpful having people from the same organization attending class, it builds synergy. The relationship building was valuable in conjunction with an important topic."
Engineering Specialist, Shell Oil